Friday, May 14, 2010

New mario Bros wii...

New Mario Bros. Wii
, was released on the 15th of November 2009 in the U.S.A and then 5 days later in Europe. Mario Kart was already available on the Wii console but not the original Mario Bros. It is currently the 5th best selling game on the Wii!

Production ; -

Nintendo produced and developed this game for their own console, the Wii. This new edition has and extra feature the 'Super Guide', Nintendo has indicated this and other added extras through the red case chosen instead of the traditional white. It was developed mainly for its four/multi player feature so that the 'Mario' single player experience could be enjoyed by multi players.

This is a first party game as it is developed and produced by Nintendo which is horizontally integrated. They have the game's, developer, publisher, console manufacturer and distributor all conjoined.

Marketing; -

The target audience for this game would most obviously be Nintendo Wii owners and specifically the younger generation aged from about 10 years plus, this is because the Wii is usually in the family homes, and used by many younger members of the family.

This game was most popular in the U.S.A.

Distribution; -

New Mario Bros. Wii mainly used the new model of distribution through being sold online through sites such as amazon and However the game is also seen to be sold part of a bundle, with the Wii included.

Consumption; -

The Mario series has been very popular for many years now so the appeal of this product will be high before it is even played because gamers will already like or dislike the game set up. The main appeal will really be tested through the console it is to be played on which is the Wii. This particular game will have never been played on this type of console up until now so the gamer will have experience this to see whether they like the new game play experience or not.

Some may think that the original console for this game is better where others may feel that this brings the game to a whole new level, its down to the individual prefrences when it comes to the console.

New Mario Bros. Wii is very accessible if you own a Nintendo Wii
console but if you do not then it's not very accessible at all. Although, the game itself may encourage people to buy Nintendo Wii's, maybe as a bundle deal.

Overall I think the new Mario Bros is a great game, that encourages people to buy the console as well as the game.